Stage: Analyse

Before moving onto the next stage, please summarise your activity in the Analyse stage here. This document can be expanded, printed and saved as required to provide a record of your work.

The ANALYSE stage offers advice on how to filter and process the opportunities developed in the Generate stage. It will help you assess their measurable costs and benefits as well as the intangible and often unmeasurable pros and cons, ultimately producing a metric that you can use to compare and then prioritise your opportunities. You may wish to fill in one of these worksheets for each of the shortlisted opportunities to aid comparisons.


What will be the potential impact for the contributors and influencers?

What is the likely cost of this opportunity?

Include what you have based your estimate on (past experience, similar projects, ROM, etc.)

How difficult will it be to deliver this opportunity?

What is the risk? How much is new versus how much we already know?

How long could it take to deliver this opportunity?

Now you have analysed the cost and the potential impact of each individual opportunity you are ready to start looking at their combined result. From this point onwards please use 1 worksheet for all opportunities.

Combined Result

What opportunities will you combine to deliver your challenge?

What percentage of the challenge does each opportunity deliver?

Combination 1:

Opportunity Selection

What combination of opportunities will you proceed with and why?

You can make as many combinations of opportunities as necessary. Do keep in mind you will only be able to select 1 combination. You can also choose to select only 1 opportunity, if you think it will be sufficient to deliver the mission.


In what order will you execute the opportunities?

Will you undertake the opportunities simultaneously or consecutively?

Download Worksheet