Before moving onto the next stage, please summarise your activity in the Create stage here. This document can be expanded, printed and saved as required to provide a record of your work.
The CREATE stage will help you contract external suppliers and understand the development process. It outlines how to identify existing solutions that can inspire your project, provides guidance on how ideas and insights generated through stakeholder engagement are processed and used to prototype potential solutions.
Have you agreed on the brief?
The brief is a combination of your design brief and the supplier's proposal document.
Have you agreed on:
Have both parties signed a legally binding contract to document all of the above?
In the following steps it can be really beneficial to engage with your stakeholders. Stakeholders include public bodies but also citizens and service providers. It is important to develop solutions fit for all stakeholders.
Have you got a good understanding of:
This information can be generated by you or the supplier.
Do you have a good understanding of who your stakeholders are?
You can do this by developing personas
Do you have an overview of the touchpoints varying stakeholders will go through?
You can do this by undertaking a touchpoint analysis
Include a summary of your idea generation session here:
This can be in the form of a short report, pictures, or whatever suits your needs best.
Include a summary of the idea selection here:
Also include the reasons why ideas were selected, based on your success indicators.
Include an overview of the developed concepts here:
A concept can take many different forms, depending on the type of solution. Include an overview that best demonstrates the varying concepts in the form of a short report, pictures, or whatever suits your needs best.
Include an overview of the developed prototypes here:
Just like a concept a prototype can take many different forms, depending on the type of solution. Include an overview that best demonstrates the varying prototypes in the form of a short report, pictures, or whatever suits your needs best.
Now score the concepts against your success criteria:
You might choose to ask several decision makers and stakeholders to score the concepts and use an average score.