Stage: Identify

Before moving onto the next stage, please summarise your activity in the Identify stage here. This document can be expanded, printed and saved as required to provide a record of your work.

The IDENTIFY stage will help you define the objectives of your project, describe it as part of a larger context, identify the stakeholders and develop a strategy for how to engage them. It will also help you establish a framework for managing the human, financial and technological resources required to successfully deliver your objectives.


What are the project objectives?

Before writing your overall objective it can help to answer these sub-questions first:

What is our overall objective?


Who are your stakeholders?

What is your stakeholder engagement strategy?

Are there any conflicts of interest related to your project?


What resources are required to carry out this project?

These are usually focussed on people, budget and technology.


Are there any contextual factors to consider for your project?

Make sure you keep in mind these contextual factors in the next stage, when developing your budget and project plan.

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