Stage: Reflect

Before moving onto the next stage, please summarise your activity in the Create stage here. This document can be expanded, printed and saved as required to provide a record of your work.

The REFLECT stage guides you through a review of your most significant decisions so far to ensure that they are sound and coherent before continuing. It will help you assess whether the project plan supports your objectives, the right stakeholders have been considered, and the right resources allocated. There is also a checklist on external factors that can influence the success of your project.


Part 1: Objectives

Yes No
The approach and project plan will completely deliver the objectives within the timescale and budget?
The outcomes of the project can be measured and that the indicators for measuring them have been developed?

Part 2: Stakeholders

Yes No
You can describe the approach and intended outcomes of this project clearly and simply – an elevator pitch?
There is a full communications plan that addresses all the stakeholders around the project?
The project plan properly addresses the identified needs and objectives of the stakeholders?
You can deliver this project within the limitations defined in the project plan?

Part 3: Resources

Yes No
The budgets are committed and you have taken note of any performance or timing requirements that must be met in order to release budgets while the project is in progress?
An agreed and approved project plan is in place?
The appropriate project team is in place?
The required supplier(s) are selected, timelines discussed and costs agreed?
The selected suppliers are skilled in your required speciality?
The required specialisms are available and accessible at the time needed according to the project plan?
If necessary, there is a procedure in place covering the required sign-offs to externally procure these specialisms?
Daily or weekly reporting mechanisms are in place to manage and review budgets and time?

Part 4: Context

Yes No
Will the project coincide with expected changes in the organisation, reforms, elections etc?
Are there other ongoing projects in your organisation, or in other organisations you know of, that could have either advantageous or adverse influences on the planning of your project?
Could your project benefit from alliances with existing projects in your organisation?
Does your project fall within a key area of political awareness? Could this have an effect?
Does your project fall within an area of particular interest for the media/press? Have you developed contingency plans in the event that it is subjected to media coverage before it is ready to launch?
Does your project either support or contradict current topics being discussed in the public domain? Could this attention have a positive or negative effect?
Could legislative issues, permissions or other formalities influence the progress of your project?
Are there potential environmental or social issues that could influence the development of your project?

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