Stage: Scope & Frame

Before moving onto the next stage, please summarise your activity in the Scope and Frame stage here. This document can be expanded, printed and saved as required to provide a record of your work.

The SCOPE & FRAME stage will help you examine your challenge, identify the stakeholders, resources, context and potential barriers, and then qualify the objectives that you are working towards. During this stage, it’s a good idea to define a set of clear success indicators that you can use as a benchmark to measure your progress and outcomes against.


What is the overall aim of your challenge?

Before writing your aim, it can help to answer these sub-questions first, using the SMART measures:

Now write your aim in one sentence, and try to include as many of the above measures as possible:

Success Indicators

What are my success indicators?

Define when you will know when you have finished.

Current Situation

What is the current situation that I am addressing?

Stakeholders, Contributors and Influencers

Who are the major contributors and influencers to the current situation?

Group them into categories, if there are many. (Group, Contributors, Influencers)


What resources are available to me for this challenge?

These are usually focussed on people, budget and technology.

Are you using a new technology, or an existing technology in a new application?

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