Stage: Test

Before moving onto the next stage, please summarise your activity in the Test stage here. This document can be expanded, printed and saved as required to provide a record of your work.

The TEST stage outlines how different forms of prototyping can be used to gather information on strengths and areas for improvement, as well as processing, refining, and re-testing the solution using feedback from users and other stakeholders until the success indicators are met. This is the last stage before the solution is signed off for implementation so it emphasizes reviewing all the insights gathered throughout the process before establishing a final proof of concept.


What elements of your chosen concept have you decided to trial and how will you undertake this testing?


Now you have trialled the functionality of your solution, define the requirements for the aesthetics:

Keep in mind that this is not just a matter of personal taste, but all about the perception of your stakeholders.


After the trial and refinement, is your solution ready for production? Does it meet all the success indicators?

If you find that your solution is not yet optimised, go through the trial and refine steps again until you reach the point at which you are confident that your solution will meet all success indicators.


Objectively assess the following elements with decision makers:

Has the developed solution been signed off by all decision makers?

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