The REFLECT stage guides you through a review of your most significant decisions so far to ensure that they are sound and coherent before continuing. It will help you assess whether the project plan supports your objectives, the right stakeholders have been considered, and the right resources allocated. There is also a checklist on external factors that can influence the success of your project.
This stage will help you confirm that your strategy, planning and resources are in place and suitable to deliver your project requirements.Before continuing, ensure that you can answer these questions:
Make sure you have a clear statement of the objectives and success indicators/outcomes, and that the planning and resource allocations will deliver them.
If not, then return to the Identify and Plan stages to review and redefine the project.
Are you confident that, as far as possible:
If your plan and resources do not seem to deliver the required outcomes:
Review your stakeholders and contributors to ensure that you have identified them all and clearly described their roles.
Make sure:
Make sure you have allocated sufficient resources and prioritised them for the best return on investment (ROI). Ensure that you have:
It’s important to assess the context of your project at the time of decision-making.
Below is a reminder of the list from the Contextual analysis step of the Identify stage:
Reducing Car Accidents
Northumbria Safer Roads Initiative
DECIDE, formerly The Design Group, London and Newcastle, UK
February 2009
Young drivers in Northumbria, England were involved in 1 in 3 car accidents in 2008. With nearly 600 road accidents in total, this came at an estimated total cost of £228m for the accident, emergency and medical services. The Road respect campaign was set up to specifically reduce the number of accidents and deaths for young people between 17 and 25. As a result of the campaign, in 2009 road deaths fell by 6%. This equated to 8 lives saved and made savings of £19.8m. This was in return for a campaign cost of £50000.
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